Globe Logos

If you are looking for a no-fuss logo for your worldwide business or your earth-centric brand, a globe symbol can be a great idea. This versatile conveys the meanings of globalism, environmentalism, connectivity, communication, and teamwork well.

A globe icon is used frequently by:

Telecom Companies: Mobile and networking companies can easily express their message of connection and international connectivity through the use of a globe in their logo. Rendered in blue and green, these logos give off a serene, dependable impression.

Travel Agency: Travel businesses can use a multitude of symbols, however, one of the most straight-forward and easily understood reference is that of a globe. When a travel business uses a globe symbol, the message is clear: we help you scale the earth and get to wherever you want!

Environmental Businesses: Businesses dealing with clean energy, eco-friendly systems, agriculture or other environmentalist concerns also do well with a globe logo. Often, these globes are colored in green, brown and orange.

Social Media or Networking Agency: While there are other icons that can be used for social media and networking businesses, a globe symbol is one of the options.

If you want to explore different styles of logos that incorporate the symbol of an earth, try out the templates offered by DesignMantic’s Logo Maker.

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