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Differentiation: Unique Brand Vs. Unique Value -

As a designer you’re up against millions of other designers. What is it that makes people choose you? Is it your own brand or is it because you give them more value for their services? On face value the precepts of brand and value might appear similar. But peel off the layer and you’ll see that the differences between them both are more than a subtle nuance.

We asked some industry stalwarts about what do they mean when they see brand vs. value debates?

Alex Topolac thinks that it’s wrong to think of two designers as selling the same thing. Here’s why:

Sorry, but no two designers are offering the same thing. Although what we offer might be called or titled the same, the end result/product (which is what we offer/sell) is not at all the same. Give the very same brief to 10 designers, and you would get 10 different designs.

Jay Davis, a freelance Industrial Designer from Chicago, deconstructs the terms ‘consumer’ and ‘product’ to better make the argument about brands vs value:

There’s a product and there’s your consumer. You can sell a chair to anybody. But selling a chair to a recent graduate vs a someone with a set of toddlers isn’t a different game.

Actual value is a big one. Free shipping and tax are a big deal. Some consumers will buy a product because of these things. I’d say under 20 dollars, you are dealing with a consumer who is going for value over quality.

1. – 60 you got quality more in play.

Above that quality and branding. When you have two companies with the same kind of product and there aren’t enough reviews. Consumers are probably going for the one that stands out in a good way.

Back to who your consumer is. Again who are you trying to sell to? If the competition doesn’t have a red thing then see if there is an audience for a red one.

Unique Brand

But what if brand and value is all about the consumer’s subconscious rather than the conscious thought? What if it wasn’t about the money? Nick Burman from Suffolk, UK shares his thoughts about the same here:

People buy what THEY value, and that’s lot always money. Some (if not most) value experience and will buy from you if you improve their life during the process. It is more subconscious than perceivable but is the reason why people will pay more for less.

Besides, life is too short to make every decision about saving money!

So there you have it folks. Unique brand vs unique value can help you differentiate yourself in the current market. However, deciphering the customer mindset is an altogether different kettle of fish. Customers choose you based on price AND brand name these days. Be it for personal branding or corporate branding, designers can help you get the services you want at the value and quality that you want today. Its just a matter of hunting the right designer for you.

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